All copyright is owned by NAVA Consulting Pty Ltd (ABN 19 667 795 128), including the copyright of the NAVA Consulting logo; all rights are reserved.
This webpage is owned and operated by NAVA Consulting Pty Ltd (ABN 19 67 795 128) and will be referred to as “the site” and/or “the booking page” in any of our policies and documents. By using this site and this booking page, you agree to our Disclaimer, our Privacy Policy, any special privacy notices, as well as our general Terms & Conditions, if applicable, as publicised on our website (the “Site”), the NAVA Consulting meeting and booking request third party link and any sign-up and delivery of free services, purchases and/or payments you make through this site.
Any user of the NAVA site, the NAVA booking page or a user subscribing, booking, or signing-up for one of NAVA’s Consulting free promotional/ informational offers such as discovery/kick-start/information sessions are bound by NAVA’s Terms and Conditions.
By booking NAVA’s free discovery/kick-start offer you acknowledge and accept that this is offered to new customers on a one-time occurrence only.
Acknowledgement & Direction.
It is our expectation that you will be clear on your targeted direction once we commence the consulting process. With these terms and conditions, you acknowledge that the free discovery/ kick-start session is based on getting to know each other better, identifying opportunities to partner and gain an in-depth understanding of how NAVA Consulting can help you and/or your organisation reach its objectives. You also acknowledge that any information presented to you and any recommendation given during a discovery/kick-start session is general advice only and may not be fully reflective of your individual circumstances as information collected during the meeting is based on mutual understanding and your accuracy and correctness of the information you provide to us rather than evidence-based. Therefore, any recommendations given require further analysis and appropriate mechanisms of data and information collection, to analyse and hypothesise, enabling data evaluation and adequate advice made under the scoped and agreed input “assumptions”. These steps form part of our consulting engagement, should you wish to proceed as part of a next step in our engagement process, we will provide you with a tailored proposal after the discovery/ kick-start/ information session.
Accuracy Acknowledgment.
You acknowledge that any report or document provided by NAVA Consulting is based solely on information provided by you and that we cannot warrant the accuracy or truthfulness of your response.
Information Provided By You.
Any personal information you may provide to NAVA Consulting via this site, NAVA’s booking page, and during the NAVA discovery/kick-start/information sessions is protected by the Privacy Policy associated with the NAVA site. You agree not to provide any information or materials to NAVA Consulting that are defamatory, threatening, obscene, harassing, or otherwise unlawful, or that incorporates the proprietary material of another.
Additional Coaching/Consulting Hours.
Our free promotions (discovery sessions, webinars, or consulting offers) will cease following the provision of the advertised specifications and after the described duration. If you require further assistance or advice, we are happy to provide you with further coaching and consulting services at an additional charge. Please let us know what you are interested in and we will provide you with a tailored consulting proposal.
NAVA Consulting Discovery/Kick-start/Coaching and Information Session recordings.
When booking a free meeting, consultation, or virtual session with NAVA Consulting, you agree that the virtual meeting will be recorded for reference purposes and to identify ways of better serving our customers. While all personal information collected during the recorded sessions will be handled in accordance to our Privacy Policy as outlined on the NAVA site. You have the right to ask for the deletion of your recording or to let us know at the start of the call that you do not agree to the meeting/call being recorded (if you are the sole participant of the meeting), otherwise if you do not agree to being recorded in a group setting then unfortunately you will not be able to attend the group webinar or session.
NAVA Consulting reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove any portion of these Terms & Conditions, any special offers, free service offers as advertised, in whole or in part, at any time.
Changes in these Terms & Conditions will be effective immediately with update on the site. Your continued use of the site after any changes to these Terms & Conditions are posted will be considered as acceptance of those changes.
Sales promotion Expiry.
The offer of a free discovery/kick-start or information session/webinar with NAVA Consulting can be withdrawn or cancelled by NAVA Consulting at any time, without notice. As this is a free offer, NAVA Consulting has the exclusive right and cannot be held responsible, liable for any loss or damage to the user that resulted in cancellation of the free offer.
Refund Policy & Cancellations.
All sales are final and legal contracts are formed and agreed to by acknowledging and booking NAVA Consulting coaching and consulting sessions as per fees proposed and stipulated. All Terms and Conditions, special Terms and Conditions and NAVA Consulting contracts form part of both parties’ contractual obligations. By engaging NAVA Consulting, clients acknowledge that fees are for personalised consultancy services and as such are non-refundable. Once payment has been made, there are no refunds other than circumstances exempt by Australian Consumer Law applicable to NAVA’s consulting services. Missed appointments or change of mind does not warrant a refund.
Any cancellations of services require the contractual and/or agreed minimum notice period. Please note – some of our consulting agreements may not be cancelled and/or have to be paid in full despite cancellation.
Copyright, Intellectual Property, and Trademark Information.
NAVA Consulting reserves all rights in the content and design of this site, including the NAVA booking page and the NAVA discovery/kick-start/information sessions. Unless permitted in writing by NAVA Consulting, you may not reproduce, use or copy any content on this site, the booking page, policies and procedures, materials provided to you for free including names, logos, and any other material licensed to NAVA Consulting.
NAVA Consulting or its licensors own all rights, title, and interest in and to all intellectual property rights embodied in or associated with any services, methodologies, systems, documents, materials, or deliverables created for or provided to you by NAVA Consulting in the performance of our services. Subject to payment of all fees, NAVA Consulting grants you a limited, irrevocable licence to use such intellectual property rights for the sole purpose (and no other purpose) of allowing you to obtain the full benefit of our services. Nothing in these terms is intended to transfer any intellectual property rights from us or any third parties to you.
You may not modify, adapt, or create derivative works based on or contained in our services or any associated written material accompanying or produced by us.
Where you provide information for the purpose of receiving our services, you grant to us an unconditional, transferrable, world-wide, irrevocable and royalty-free licence and right to use, copy, modify and adapt all such information for any purpose including for the purpose of improving and further developing our services.
By entering and booking through the NAVA booking site, you will be assuming all risks associated with use of the NAVA Consulting site and its booking request page, including risk of your computer, software or data being damaged by any virus which might be transmitted or activated via the NAVA Consulting site or your access to it.
Limitation of Liability.
The information contained in our site, documents, and materials should not be used or relied upon as the sole determiner for the purposes of your organisational situations and business matters.
You should consider your own personal and organisational situation in addition to the information provided by our site content, materials, documents, general information sessions and free services.
In no event shall we be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential damages or any damages whatsoever including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, data, profit earnings, or lost opportunities, arising out of or in any way connected with the use or performance of our services whether based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise even if NAVA Consulting has been advised of the possibility of damages.
Under no circumstances shall NAVA Consulting be held liable for any delay or failure in performance resulting directly or indirectly from acts of nature, forces, or causes beyond its reasonable control, including without limitation, incorrect email addresses, internet failures, computer equipment failures, other equipment failures, or non-performance of third parties.
Where liability cannot be excluded, any liability incurred by us in relation to the use of this website or the content, its links, materials, downloadables, or documents provided to you is limited as provided under s 68A of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth).
If any part of this document is found to be invalid or unlawful under current legislation, such invalidity or unlawfulness shall not render the entire document void, but shall only apply to the specific matter in question, while the remaining provisions of the document shall remain in full force and effect.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These Terms & Conditions are governed by and in accordance with the laws of Queensland, Australia and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Queensland, Australia. Any legal matters arising will commence and conclude within the jurisdiction of the QLD Courts.
By using this website, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions set out in these Terms & Conditions. If you do not agree to abide by these terms and conditions do not use this website.

Working with NAVA Consulting is a seamless and highly productive experience. Nadine’s professionalism, integrity, and commitment to our needs make NAVA Consulting an exceptional valuable partner, and we highly recommend their services to any organisation.
Mat Canniffe
Business Owner/GM
Mecha Engineering, Gladstone

NAVA Consulting’s expertise and support have been invaluable in helping us navigate a complex business environment. NAVA Consulting’s leadership coaching was a game-changer for our residential building business. The 12-month continued guidance helped our management team to develop critical leadership skills and strategic perspective.
Michael Kratzer
Fabrilis Business Owner/
Building and Construction Manager

We were impressed with NAVA Consulting’s deep industry knowledge and innovative thinking. Nadine’s tailored approach to our business needs and objectives resulted in significant improvements in our operational performance and overall business transformation.
Margo Grant
Business Owner/
Work Health and Safety Specialist